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Event 1:

Aug 16th 2010 is the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in the Chinese calendar, the day is Double Seventh Day , it's also well known as Chinese Valentine's Day.
Event time:Aug 16th 00:00 to Aug 16th 24:00
Scope: All servers
1 During the event time, the players who finish the 9 scout operations in amount will get a blue weapon after the event.
2 During the event time, the players who finish the 6 daily quests in amount will get a Marching Pack after the event.
Note:The reward will be distributed to your account automatically by the system within 3 hours after the event.

Event 2:

Legends say the 7th daughter of Emperor of Heaven “ Zhinv” and good-looking poor orphaned boy “Niulang” will have a date in Double Seventh Day, how romantic night!
Event time:Aug 15th 00:00 to Aug 17th 24:00
Scope: All servers
During the event time, the players who use the tribute token will get more 20 Points of Contribution for each token. That is to say, you will get 158 Points of Contribution for each token when you donate it.

Event 3:

A love story for this day is about the 7th daughter of Emperor of Heaven and an orphaned cowherd. The Emperor separated them. The 7th daughter was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd moved to the star Altair. They are allowed to meet only once a year on the day of 7th day of 7th lunar month. In this moment, in order to help them meet each other, the magpie will build a bridge over the galaxy, so the bridge is also called magpie bridge, from that time, magpie is considered to be auspicious in china.
Event time:Aug 15th 00:00 to Aug 17th 24:00
Scope: All servers
During the event time, you will have the chance to recuit epic hero “Niulang”and “Zhinv”, if you can own “Niulang”and “Zhinv”at the same time after the event, you will obtain a “Magpie Gift pack”.

1.“Niulang”and “Zhinv” are 3 stars epic hero:

2. Magpie Gift pack :

Capital Move Token*1
Styrax Bolus *1
Cultivation Token*1
Token of Motivation *3
Marching Chest *5
Gift voucher : 99

Note:The reward will be distributed to your account automatically by the system within 3 hours after the event.

2010-08-13 16:43:24

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